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Royal Canin Cat Food Review

Company HQ

LocationAimargues, France fr-flag

Parent company

Mars Inc

Sourcing and Manufacturing

LocationUnited States us-flag, Canada ca-flag

Type of food

Dry Cat Food, Wet Cat Food, Wet Kitten Food, Wet Senior Cat Food, Dry Kitten Food, Dry Senior Cat Food


? This rating is determined by comparing the food’s nutritional content to AAFCO standards and other foods in our database. Nutrient Value 59%
? Each recipe is evaluated based on a 5-point ingredient rating system that measures ingredients’ nutritional value, safety, and more. Quality of Ingredients 53%
? We scan the FDA’s database and rate each brand by the number of recalls in its history. Brands with fewer recalls receive higher ratings. Recall History 100%
? By comparing the prices of foods in our database, we determine if a food is above or below market average price. Lower-priced foods receive higher ratings. Price 38%
? This metric is based on customer ratings from various retailers. Customer Experience 71%
? Our rating system evaluates each food’s manufacturing method, assigning higher ratings to manufacturing processes that promote higher nutritional value. Manufacturing Method 48%
  • To our knowledge, Royal Canin has never had a product recall
  • Foods are nutritionally complete and balanced according to AAFCO standards
  • Royal Canin makes a diverse range of foods for various ages, sizes, and lifestyles
  • All recipes are free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives
  • Some recipes contain plant-based protein
  • Lower than average protein content
  • Price is above market average

Brand Overview

Royal Canin offers premium pet food for dogs and cats, for all life stages. The brand also offers breed-specific food for dogs and cats. Royal Canin has been providing pet nutrition since 1968.

How Much Does Royal Canin Cat Food Cost

We’ve compared Royal Canin cat food price to the other 197 cat food brands in our database.

Royal Canin Dry Cat Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$6.84$4.85+41%
Price per 100 kcal$0.38$0.36+5%
Price per day$0.23$0.22+5%

Royal Canin Dry Cat Food is priced above the average market price for cat food.

Royal Canin Wet Cat Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per oz$0.73$0.57+28%
Price per 100 kcal$2.60$2.09+24%
Price per day$1.56$1.25+25%

Royal Canin Wet Cat Food is priced above the average market price for cat food.

Royal Canin Wet Kitten Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per oz$0.64$0.50+28%
Price per 100 kcal$2.37$1.68+41%
Price per day$1.42$1.01+41%

Royal Canin Wet Kitten Food is priced above the average market price for cat food.

Royal Canin Wet Senior Cat Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per oz$0.67$0.51+31%
Price per 100 kcal$2.79$1.85+51%
Price per day$1.67$1.11+50%

Royal Canin Wet Senior Cat Food is priced above the average market price for cat food.

Royal Canin Dry Kitten Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$10.51$5.11+106%
Price per 100 kcal$0.60$0.29+107%
Price per day$0.36$0.17+112%

Royal Canin Dry Kitten Food is priced above the average market price for cat food.

Royal Canin Dry Senior Cat Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$6.09$4.80+27%
Price per 100 kcal$0.38$0.38+1%
Price per day$0.23$0.230%

Royal Canin Dry Senior Cat Food is priced within the average market price for cat food.

Royal Canin Nutrient Profile Comparison

We’ve compared Royal Canin cat food recipes nutrient profile to the other 197 cat food brands in our database.

Dry Cat Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein 34.76% 38.63% -10%
DM Fat 16.66% 16.64% +0%
DM Fiber 6.67% 5.22% +28%
DM Carb 41.90% 38.21% +10%

Wet Cat Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein 49.84% 53.21% -6%
DM Fat 13.23% 17.63% -25%
DM Fiber 11.05% 6.56% +68%
DM Carb 25.88% 14.04% +84%

Wet Kitten Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein 52.46% 50.77% +3%
DM Fat 17.02% 24.53% -31%
DM Fiber 9.50% 6.79% +40%
DM Carb 21.03% 10.56% +99%

Wet Senior Cat Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein 50.46% 44.39% +14%
DM Fat 11.69% 19.25% -39%
DM Fiber 9.58% 9.30% +3%
DM Carb 28.27% 20.67% +37%

Dry Kitten Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein 35.36% 40.93% -14%
DM Fat 18.21% 20.41% -11%
DM Fiber 6.85% 4.05% +69%
DM Carb 39.59% 32.98% +20%

Dry Senior Cat Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein 31.52% 35.40% -11%
DM Fat 13.77% 15.92% -14%
DM Fiber 8.59% 6.55% +31%
DM Carb 46.12% 40.66% +13%

Recall History

The following list (if present) shows all cat food recalls related to Royal Canin Cat Food Review since 2011. If no recalls are listed, no recall events have been reported.

Since 2011 Royal Canin has never been recalled.

Lawsuit History

March 2007 - A Canadian class action lawsuit was filed against pet food maker Royal Canin Canada Co. on behalf of dog and cat owners claiming that certain products contain excessive amounts of vitamin D and have caused their pets to become sick or die. The Canadian lawsuit sought compensation for people who bought Royal Canin dog or cat food since Aug. 1, 2004.

The suit against Royal Canin, filed in the Ontario Superior Court, alleges the pet food maker, a subsidiary of a French company , either knew or should have known the levels of vitamin D were unsafe and could cause the animals to develop high levels of calcium in their blood, renal failure and other conditions.

December 2016 - The lawsuit claims that prescription pet food overcharge consumers for a product that is not a drug and that prescription pet food is a “deceptive scheme”. Four months later, lawyers representing the pet food manufacturers; Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Mars Petcare (which includes Royal Canin), Nestle Purina had requested the court dismiss the case based on FDA’s enforcement discretion to permit the sale of these products.

These companies are claiming that the FDA allows them to be ‘deceptive’, allows them to sell a pet food as a drug when it is not a drug, and to overcharge consumers as they see fit. And they are right. The court ruled that all claims argued in this lawsuit were not proven.

Explore All Reviews of Royal Canin Cat Food Recipes

Sort by:
Overall Score
Royal Canin Siamese Dry Cat Food Royal Canin Siamese Dry Cat Food
Cost per day $0.29
Overall Score
Royal Canin Ragdoll Dry Cat Food Royal Canin Ragdoll Dry Cat Food
Cost per day $0.23
Overall Score
Royal Canin Persian Dry Cat Food Royal Canin Persian Dry Cat Food
Cost per day $0.22
Overall Score
Royal Canin Indoor 7+ Dry Cat Food Royal Canin Indoor 7+ Dry Cat Food
Cost per day $0.30


faq-item-image Who owns Royal Canin cat food?

Royal Canin is owned by Mars Inc.

faq-item-image Where is Royal Canin cat food made?

Royal Canin is manufactured in the United States us-flag, Canada ca-flag.

faq-item-image Is Royal Canin AAFCO approved?

Yes, all of Royal Canin recipes are AAFCO approved.

faq-item-image Has Royal Canin cat food been recalled?

No Royal Canin has never been recalled.

Disclaimer and Disclosure

At Pet Food Sherpa, our primary goal is to provide pet owners like you with accurate, relevant, and unbiased information about pet nutrition. As such, we do not accept gifts or incentives as motivation to include certain products in our reviews.

We do, however, participate in affiliate marketing programs and we partner with select brands to fund our site. We choose the products we review carefully and review them thoroughly before publishing a review or accepting any form of payment.

Proceeds from this program and our partners enable us to continue providing high-quality content to our readers. Read more about how we’re funded here.

2 thoughts on “Royal Canin Cat Food Review

  • jennifer helsper

    Only thing keeping my 22 year old cat alive!!!!!! Also this food is impossible to find. Must be good!!!!

  • LynnR

    I have three cats, and Vivien in particular is motivated by food and always has been. All three cats have been on Royal Canin digestive care dry cat food for about a year and a half now. It is the only food that worked well with my cat Abby who has an extremely sensitive stomach. It was such a blessing to have finally found one cat food that worked well with all three cats; I even noticed a positive difference in their coats as well.

    However, Royal Canin recently changed the kibble which was working beautifully for my cats for not eating too fast and then throwing up the food. With this recent change in size I believe they also change the recipe because all three cats will not touch the food now. I’m frustrated because I’m sitting with a bag and a half of food one of which is unopen and that’s $40. It’s very unlikely and highly suspicious that all three cats at the same time would decide to not eat the food they gobbled up for the last year and a half.

    This may be a coincidence but since I started feeding them the ne digestive care with the new kibble size, one of my cats got her first urinary track infection. That was in fact, the first time any one of my cats in over 30 years have ever had a UTI. Like I said it could be a coincidence but I’m questioning that mindset.

    Now it’s back to the drawing board having to try new foods to make sure they don’t get diarrhea and I won’t upset Abby’s tummy. Why can’t companies leave well enough alone? Thank you very much.

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