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Friskies Cat Food Review

Company HQ

LocationSt. Louis, Missouri us-flag

Parent company

Nestlé Purina PetCare Company

Sourcing and Manufacturing

LocationUnited States us-flag

Type of food

Wet Cat Food, Dry Cat Food


? This rating is determined by comparing the food’s nutritional content to AAFCO standards and other foods in our database. Nutrient Value 71%
? Each recipe is evaluated based on a 5-point ingredient rating system that measures ingredients’ nutritional value, safety, and more. Quality of Ingredients 51%
? We scan the FDA’s database and rate each brand by the number of recalls in its history. Brands with fewer recalls receive higher ratings. Recall History 66%
? By comparing the prices of foods in our database, we determine if a food is above or below market average price. Lower-priced foods receive higher ratings. Price 85%
? This metric is based on customer ratings from various retailers. Customer Experience 79%
? Our rating system evaluates each food’s manufacturing method, assigning higher ratings to manufacturing processes that promote higher nutritional value. Manufacturing Method 50%
  • Affordable
  • Some recipes contain plant-based protein
  • Lower than average protein content
  • The brand has been previously recalled
  • Some recipes list unnamed meat by-products
  • Some recipes use added colors and flavors

Brand Overview

Friskies is a cat food brand operated by Purina. The product line is extensive, with a variety of flavors and recipes on offer. Both wet and dry foods are available, with options for cats and kittens alike. Friskies also offers cat treats in several flavors.

How Much Does Friskies Cat Food Cost

We’ve compared Friskies cat food price to the other 197 cat food brands in our database.

Friskies Wet Cat Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per oz$0.28$0.57-51%
Price per 100 kcal$1.10$2.09-47%
Price per day$0.66$1.25-47%

Friskies Wet Cat Food is priced below the average market price for cat food.

Friskies Dry Cat Food Price Comparison

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
Price per lb$1.32$4.85-73%
Price per 100 kcal$0.08$0.36-78%
Price per day$0.05$0.22-77%

Friskies Dry Cat Food is priced below the average market price for cat food.

Friskies Nutrient Profile Comparison

We’ve compared Friskies cat food recipes nutrient profile to the other 197 cat food brands in our database.

Wet Cat Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein 47.75% 53.21% -10%
DM Fat 13.90% 17.63% -21%
DM Fiber 5.76% 6.56% -12%
DM Carb 18.34% 14.04% +31%

Dry Cat Food

Brand AvgMarket Avg% From the Avg
DM Protein 34.09% 38.63% -12%
DM Fat 12.18% 16.64% -27%
DM Fiber 3.73% 5.22% -29%
DM Carb 50.00% 38.21% +31%

Recall History

The following list (if present) shows all cat food recalls related to Friskies Cat Food Review since 2011. If no recalls are listed, no recall events have been reported.

Friskies - Dry Cat Food (06/27/2011) -+
Company Name:Nestle Purina PetCare Company
Product Description:Dry Cat Food
Recall Reason:Salmonella

Explore All Reviews of Friskies Cat Food Recipes

Sort by:
Overall Score
Friskies Tasty Treasures Chicken Friskies Tasty Treasures Chicken
Cost per day $0.31
Overall Score
Friskies Stuf'd & Sauc'd Chicken Friskies Stuf'd & Sauc'd Chicken
Cost per day $0.32
Overall Score
Friskies Ocean Favorites Tuna Friskies Ocean Favorites Tuna
Cost per day $0.30
Overall Score
Friskies Lil' Grillers Chicken Friskies Lil' Grillers Chicken
Cost per day $2.21


faq-item-image Who owns Friskies cat food?

Friskies is owned by Nestlé Purina PetCare Company.

faq-item-image Where is Friskies cat food made?

Friskies is manufactured in the United States us-flag.

faq-item-image Has Friskies cat food been recalled?

Friskies has been recalled 1 times in the years 2011.

Disclaimer and Disclosure

At Pet Food Sherpa, our primary goal is to provide pet owners like you with accurate, relevant, and unbiased information about pet nutrition. As such, we do not accept gifts or incentives as motivation to include certain products in our reviews.

We do, however, participate in affiliate marketing programs and we partner with select brands to fund our site. We choose the products we review carefully and review them thoroughly before publishing a review or accepting any form of payment.

Proceeds from this program and our partners enable us to continue providing high-quality content to our readers. Read more about how we’re funded here.

4 thoughts on “Friskies Cat Food Review

  • Melissa Campisi

    My cat got deathly ill from eating this food. He has been throwing up for almost 24 hrs and can barely move. I have thrown out 18 cans. I have one more box of cans that is sealed that I am returning to the store. Best Before Sep 2023 1244 4749 11:38 Lot 1349. Please check the lot number of the food before feeding your fur baby.

  • Zane Payne

    Everwhere I look you and other sites talk about the cat food thats never that good for cats. Unless it so exspensive. Why do you consentrate on someone bringing a quality cat food at a affordable price. All the name high cost brand say they have best for cats inmind but this must be only for rich people, make a good cat food at a good price and reap your rewards not by money but by alot more healthy cats in the world!!!!!

  • Faithann Musick

    I gave my cat this food last night, and my dog also stole some from him and started eating it. They both started throwing up blood, my dog is fine now, my cat didn’t make it, he threw up blood non-stop and started seizing. I woke up and he was gone.

  • M. Armstrong-Cate

    This used to be a 5 star product. It was out cats favorite in all 4 varieties. It has been temporarily out of production since July of 2022. It’s not the first time. It’s the 3rd time. After more than 8 months I was elated when Chewy was given a restocking date and a call to Purina confirmed it was back in production. It appeared on Amazon Via brand new 3rd party sellers asking 2 to 3 times the average price plus shipping as well. $52 to $80 for a 24 pack of single flavor or variety. Purina keeps stocking these new 3rd party dealers with fresh new product ( I bought one & checked the dates good until 4/2024). Chewy has received no stock only pushed out dates. The same with Walmart, PetSmart and other partners. I feel like I’m getting robbed if I do pay $3 per can and like I am letting our cats down if I don’t. After 63 years, I will be looking for a new cat food company. I cannot trust Purina was of doing business. I hope they improve. We all deserve better and so do their employees as well.

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